Parenting is HARD

Are you struggling with any of the following:

  • setting effective limits without yelling or threatening?

  • toddler tantrums that are driving you crazy?

  • sibling conflict that has you feeling like you’ve failed as a parent?

    First of all, you are not failing and you are not alone. Most of us raise our kids in a way that is similar to how we were raised. Our parents likely did the best they could but we now know from science based research that traditional parenting methods including punishments and control are not what promote resilience, kindness and emotional intelligence in our kids. Peaceful parenting is NOT permissive parenting. It is parenting from a place of calm and compassion; respecting the dignity of each child while maintaining the role as the parental figure who will keep them safe by creating empathetic limits. The result is more joy and peace in your home (and cooperation!), less conflict and chaos. I work with moms and dads and cater sessions to the unique needs of each family. Please reach out at for a free discovery call to learn more!

Missy is a certified Wayfinder life coach, Peaceful Parenting Educator and mom of two very spirited little girls. Connect with her at to learn more about how she can help with your parenting challenges.